Angela Toninelli
(Formica Coriandolo)
About Formica

A native of Florence, Formica has been an artist all of her life. She moved to Damanhur at the age of 21, where she engaged in sculpture and painting for the Temples of Humankind, Damanhur’s underground work of art. In 1984, as the construction expanded, she learned Tiffany style art glass from a Florentine master artisan and gave the start to the creation of the now internationally acclaimed stained glass works of the Temples.

From 1999 to 2006, Formica was one of the elected Guides of Damanhur, a role of responsibility for coordinating the activities and development of the entire Federation. Since then, she has been working with outside researchers, sociologists and filmmakers, all interested in understanding and portraying the unique social and spiritual experiment of Damanhur.

Formica is a Gaia Education certified Ecovilage Design Education, and has participated in the creation of “Transition to Resilience Training”, a European curriculum within the context of GEN (Global Ecovillages Network.)

Since her childhood, Formica has been a passionate researcher in the field of dreams and she now leads seminars around the world on how to develop lucid dreaming and the power of intuition. Together with a group of women Formica has explored the mythology of Damanhur through music and singing, composing songs and ballads.

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